Set Jetting
The activity of travelling the world to visit current or previously used film and television locations and sets.
Also referred to as a “Location vacation”.

Crocodile Dundee and me.
Top of the Rockafeller centre
New York
All about me.
Hello there film fans, set jetters and those souls who have got lost on the internet and found themselves on Rewound and found, my film location page.
Back in the early 2000s I was cycling through my home town of Glasgow, Scotland taking photographs for my Flickr page at when I passed the block of apartments where Dickie Bird from the Film Comfort and Joy lived.
This gave me the idea to try and find and photograph as many of the locations from the film as possible and from that small spark the collection began.
I have now found myself seeking out film locations all across Scotland and much further afield.
From Poland (Schindlers list) to Canada (Short circuit 2) and from the city of Rome, Italy (Roman Holiday) to the back country roads of Georgia, USA (The Dukes of Hazzard , Smokey and the Bandit ) this hobby has taken me to some spectacular places and I have met some amazing people along the way.
I have enjoyed every minute, though a big car crash whilst driving through Atlanta, Georgia was testing, it has all been fun.
There are now more than 30 projects on the site and every location here has been visited by myself and often with my fabulous wife Joanne as my companion, navigator and look out.
I have no intention of stopping my mission to visit as many film locations as I can (though the events of 2020 have certainly slowed down any travel plans). Keep checking back for new projects or like, share and subscribe to my Facebook, Instagram and Youtube pages to get updates on my plans, adventures and new projects.
As you can see its a very eclectic collection of film titles that appear on Rewound and found. My main goal has always been to find locations from my favorite films. If you have an idea for what film I should hunt the locations from next, then please get in touch.
I would love to hear from you if you have enjoyed the pictures, if you have any more information to add to the projects or if you want to know more about the locations then please let me know via the contact form or through my social media pages.
Thank you very much for looking and remember to spread the word.
Stay safe,
Interviews, features and mentions.
As I continue to add content to my collections I am in a lucky position that I am starting to be noticed. Below are a few times where I have been interviewed about Rewound and found and how I track down the film locations.
In October 2017 I was interviewed for the website The Nice rooms;
I was featured in the Daily Record, a Scottish national newspaper;
P.S. The screen shots from the films remain property of the film’s distributor. They are used here on a not for profit basis and purely by me as a fan of the films.